Skin flaws
Whatever your skin type, specific factors might trigger or lead to oversensitivity: Your skin reacts strongly when you’d rather it didn’t…

Various types of « Skin flaws »
-Some are congenital, even called birth marks. They can be light, depigmented, “café au lait”, or red (angiomas).
-Others are acquired dermatosis::
-White spots or vitiligo (depigmentation of patches of skin). Benign but unsightly, more visible on dark skin.
-Brown spots result from overexposure to the sun. They are more common during pregnancy, thus the term “mask of pregnancy” but can also occur on non-pregnant women and sometimes even on men.
-Certain facial dermatosis (couperosis, rosacea…) can improve with a specific treatment even if they don’t totally subside.
-Acne is so common that it needs to be discussed separately. Some acne pimples can leave residual marks, specially if they are very large, deep or were “fiddled with” repeatedly.
-Dermatological procedures or plastic surgery on the face can be followed by a tough period while healing is not complete. These temporary flaws also deserve all of our attention.
-Last, certain severe skin disorders (ichytiosis, severe burns…) require corrective make-up.
Dermo-cosmetic products
“High tolerance” products: With high tolerance cleansers and moisturizers, irritations that can occur in case of intolerance or allergies to a cosmetic ingredient can be minimized.
Dermatological make-up: Corrective make-up is an important part of a dermatologist “tricks of the trade”. For either a temporary situation (post dermatological) or permanent flaws, using good corrective make-up techniques can offer amazing results.
- Dermatological disorders such as angiomas, vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, couperosis, rosacea, acne and acne scars, seborrheic dermatitis, melasma;
- Post-dermatological procedures such as laser, dermabrasion, filler injection, peeling;
- Following cosmetic surgery: Facelift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty…
The following basics are used to correct skin flaws:
-Overlaying two complementary colors from the chromatic wheel neutralizes skin flaws.
.Green neutralizes red (couperosis, scars, angiomas…).
. Yellow neutralizes purple (bluish circles, varicose veins…).
. Brown “hides” white.
- Light make-up highlights and dark make-up has a hollowing effect.
-By using these contrasts, the shape of a face can be changed, scars or dips can be reduced and dischromias can be covered.
-White evens out slightly and catches the light.
Five steps for a natural make-up:
Cleanse the skin thoroughly,
2. Apply a makeup base selected for skin type and sensitivity level,
3. Hide flaws using color correctors (green or yellow depending on the color of the flaw),
4. Even out complexion with a fluid or compact foundation,
5. Set makeup with powders.