Legal information
Editor : PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETICS - Simplified joint-stock company - registered office: 45, Place Abel Gance - 92100 Boulogne Cedex - Capital: 22 987 907,85 Euros - RCS of Nanterre 319 137 576.
Director of publication : PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETICS
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These general terms and conditions define the terms of use of the “Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène" website that you accept when you visit this site.
If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please exit this site.
If you are under legal age, you hereby undertake to only visit this site in the presence of your parents or legal guardian, who must first accept the present terms and conditions.
The present terms and conditions may be changed at any time without notice.
This Site is governed by the laws of France.
The Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène website, which can be visited at, (hereinafter the “Site”) is made available to you under certain conditions that you undertake to take cognizance of and comply with. These terms and conditions of use are defined in the present document.
Site use and visits are limited to personal, and not commercial, use. In general, you undertake to refrain from using all or part of the Site for illegal purposes (copyright infringements) or purposes that breach the present terms and conditions of use.
By visiting this site, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use as set out on the date of your visit.
Object of the Site
This site has been created to provide you with information on Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène (news, products, etc.). The Site in no way constitutes a commercial offer. This Site presents non-contractual information on the Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène for the purposes of describing all of their products, but does not intend to provide a direct purchase offer for a product or service (unless expressly stated otherwise).
As the present Site is updated to take all activities into account, some new information or announcements may no longer be valid at the time they are displayed or they may simply be out of date. Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène cannot guarantee that all information or news available on the present Site is up to date, although every effort is made to ensure this is the case.
No registration is required to visit the Site and you may take cognizance of its content.
The Site may be called upon to disclose personal information if it is required to identify, contact or pursue legal actions against an individual who may damage or violate (intentionally or not) the rights or ownership of the Site, other Site users or any other person who may be harmed by such use.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène undertake to ensure that the content of their Site complies with the laws in effect in France
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène undertake in particular not to display information that breaches third party rights or that is of a violent, pornographic or defamatory nature, and also not to display illegal content, in particular, racist, xenophobic or pedophilic content, or other content that may violate human dignity.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information set out on the present Site.
The documents we attach in electronic format to this Site are the subject of multiple reviews, however they may contain errors. If you note errors, feel free to contact us using the contact form and we will proceed to make the relevant corrections. The texts displayed may also have been the subject of updates between the time you view them and the time you take cognizance of them. We do not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete and up to date.
Use of Advice displayed on the Site
Online computerized diagnostic applications and user guides that include beauty and health recommendations are made available to you on the Site so you can obtain advice on beauty and healthcare.
This availability in no way constitutes a transfer of the property rights attached to the Applications. You are simply granted a user license for these Applications, which is not exclusive and is for your private use only. In this regard, you may not copy or reproduce all or part of the Applications by any means and on any medium, whether existing or future, nor translate the Applications into any other language or adapt said Applications.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may not be held liable for the direct or indirect consequences and/or any damage to the Applications further to defects or hacking. Furthermore, Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène do not accept an obligation of result, but one of means in terms of the advice issued.
Finally, Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène give no explicit or implicit guarantee and accept no liability in terms of the use of this advice and recommended products. This advice is provided solely for information and must be confirmed by professionals.
For additional information and/or if you are in doubt, you may write to us by using the contact form (insert a link to the form).
Although the Site has taken the measures required to ensure the reliability of the information and services available on the Site, it may not be held liable for errors, omissions, viruses or results that may result from a poor use thereof. The Site is in fact bound by an obligation of means only.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène, their management and employees may not be held liable:
- For damage of any type resulting from a connection to, access to or use of the present Site
- For damages that directly or indirectly result from a visit to this Site or the use of the information it makes available
- For direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the present Site, in particular, any operational, financial or commercial loss or loss of programs or data in any information system, even if Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène have been informed of the potential occurrence of such damages.
More generally, Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène do not provide any express or tacit guarantee for all or part of the site.
Visitors undertake to not voluntarily or involuntarily introduce viruses or files of any type whatsoever that may disrupt the Site’s operations; otherwise, they will be held fully liable in this regard.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may initiate legal actions against visitors who do not respect the above.
The user states and guarantees that he or she is perfectly aware of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, in particular in terms of data and information transmission over the Internet only being of relative technical reliability, said information transiting over heterogeneous networks with varied characteristics and technical capacities that may disrupt or prevent access during certain periods.
The Site endeavors to maintain access to its pages 24/7, but is not bound by any obligation to guarantee said access. It may therefore interrupt access to the site, in particular for maintenance and upgrading purposes. Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène also reserve the right at any time and with no need to provide notice to suspend or even interrupt the availability of all or part of the present Site, including its comments space and, in particular, links to other sites. Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may in no way be held liable for any interruption and the consequences that may result therefrom and impact on the user or a third party.
In no case may the Site be held liable for a loss of data or a deterioration of said data. Any information or advice provided by the Site may not be interpreted as any guarantee whatsoever.
Furthermore, hypertext links may lead you to visit other external sites managed by third parties. Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène have no control over these websites and give no guarantee as to the information available on these other sites, and accept no liability as to their content. You are solely responsible for any use of a link to any other site.
Intellectual Property Rights
All of the content on the present Site and each of its elements taken separately (all names of products or trademarks indicated, architecture, texts, photos, images, illustrations, etc.) are the exclusive property of Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène or their technical service providers and are governed by French and international laws related to copyright, and, more broadly, intellectual property law.
We draw visitors’ attention to the fact that these photos or distinctive signs may also constitute intellectual property rights.
All rights of reproduction, representation and public communication are reserved, including visual, photographic, iconographic or other representations. The reproduction of all or part of the present site on an electronic medium of any type is formally prohibited unless the publication director has expressly allowed otherwise. The trademarks and logos used on the present Site are registered and any reproduction thereof constitutes a forgery.
All user rights are reserved. Pursuant to Article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any representation or reproduction that is not expressly authorized, whether in full or in part, by any process whatsoever, will be considered illegal and a forgery and therefore punishable pursuant to the terms of Articles L. 335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Photo credits: Anakena - P. BELAUD/Triaxe - C. BOSC - D. CABROL - N. CHAPMAN/Corbis - J. DAVID - B. HUGAND/ABM - V. LANCASTER - LIDJI/Jupiterimages - E. MARTIN – H. MATCHAVARIANI – R. MINSART - P. MENVILLE/Digivision – T. MIZUNO - M. POLO – Self photo - SPENCER/Option Photo - P. STRUBE – Studio X.
Personal information
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène at no time request communication by users of personal information (name, address, e-mail address, profession, etc.). However, in particular to collect certain information or receive documents, you may be called upon to register and provide certain personal information.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène hereby inform you that the personal information you may communicate online is intended for the sole use of Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène or any other entity that belongs to the PIERRE FABRE group and is responsible for the processing and safekeeping thereof. This information will not be communicated to third parties other than third parties that host the Site or work on its content or management.
Laboratories dermatologiques Avène undertake to take all reasonable measures available to it to protect the confidentiality of this personal information.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène draw your attention to the fact that their database, which may include this information, has been the subject of a declaration to the national commission on computer technology and freedoms (the “CNIL”).
Furthermore, Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène remind you that, pursuant to the terms of the law on computer technology and freedoms dated January 6, 1978, you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete your personal information. You may exercise this right at any time by sending a letter to the following address:
Service informations/conseils
Pierre Fabre Dermo-cosmétique
The change will be made as soon as possible and at the latest eight (8) business days from receipt of your request.
Each time personal information is collected on the site, the legal terms and conditions for the collection and/or modification of the information collected will be expressly displayed.
Subject to having received your prior consent, Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may send you direct offers or newsletters by electronic mail.
If you are subscribed to e-mail newsletter services, you may request the termination of this service either as indicated above or by following the instructions set out at the end of each electronic mail you receive.
In order to collect and process statistics (e.g., evaluation of site visits), improve your navigation (e.g., improve or develop the optimization of our site for a specific browser or display/color) and for security reasons (e.g., to be able to determine the origin of spam), we may be called upon to collect personal information on your environment’s variables by using “cookies”.
A cookie is a set of data sent to your browser by a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. One or more cookies may be placed on your computer’s hard drive anonymously (the pages you visited, the date and time of the visit, etc.). These cookies do not contain any private information or information that can identify you. The cookie does not identify you, but collects information on your visit to our Site. Cookies simply allow the Site to identify the parts of our business that are of interest to you so we can provide you with more appropriate information.
You can identify the existence of these cookies.
You can also oppose their presence and refuse them. To this end, you can oppose the saving of cookies by disabling this feature in your browser (the methods thereof are indicated on the CNIL website).
The internet is an open network. Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène therefore cannot guarantee that this information will not be misappropriated by third parties.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may provide links to other sites that may or may not belong to the Group. These sites are independent from the Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène site.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène do not edit or control the sources and content of these sites or their links to other sites.
These site links in no way constitute approval or validation or agreement on the part of Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène with the content of these sites.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène may therefore not be held liable for the content, products, services, publicity, cookies or other items on these sites or for any damage, loss, whether proven or alleged, caused by or in relation to the use of this information, the services or data available on these sites.
The creation of hypertext links to the Site requires the prior written authorization of Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène. Any request for authorization must be sent to the trademark via the contact form. Any unauthorized use constitutes a forgery that may be punished by law.
Comment Space
The Site makes comment spaces available to Internet users in which they can contact or send questions to:
Service informations/conseils Pierre Fabre Dermo-cosmétique
BP 100
All messages posted in these comment spaces express the ideas of their respective authors. However, as the Site is responsible for the content of these spaces, the managers thereof may delete or simply not respond to messages that are reprehensible, illegal or non-compliant with the present Terms and Conditions of Use.
Therefore, participants agree not to transmit content:
- For masked advertising purposes;
- Deceitful or inaccurate;
- That may constitute a breach of literary, artistic, trademark, industrial or other third party rights, such as image rights and the protection of privacy;
- Injurious, defamatory, calumnious, racist, xenophobic, revisionist or prejudicial to the honor or reputation of others;
- Inciting discrimination, hatred of a person or group of people due to their origin or ethnicity, nationality, race or a specific religion;
- Threatening a person or group of persons;
- Prejudicial to public order, subject to civil or criminal proceedings or defamatory; anti-constitutional, extremist or issued by groups prohibited by law; inciting criminal behavior, suicide, terrorism or justifying crimes, acts of terrorism, war crimes or crimes against humanity; pornographic, contrary to good morals or prejudicial to human dignity;
- That allows third parties to directly or indirectly procure pirated software, software serial numbers, software to hack and intrude computer and telecommunication systems, and, in general, any software or other tool that may prejudice the rights of others and the safety and security of individuals and assets;
- That includes viruses or any other application that may disrupt or damage software, computer equipment or computers belonging to the Site or its users;
- That constitutes chain letters.
The user undertakes to respect the Site’s image and reputation and not to make declarations and/or engage in actions of any type that may be prejudicial to the Site. The Site reserves the right to close down the comment spaces for a limited period of time or definitively and may delete information and referrals to this information if it observes breaches to applicable laws, good morals and the present terms and conditions of use, or for any other reason freely interpreted.
The Site reserves all rights over whether to publish your opinions or Internet sites in the comment spaces, to change, adapt or translate them into any language, in any form and on any medium, to keep them online or delete them at any time, with no prior notice to you being required.
Should the present General Terms and Conditions of Use become invalid or if a defect therein is observed, the term in question will be replaced by one that is as close as possible to its intent from the perspective of legal interpretation.
If you are not satisfied with all or part of the present Site, its comment space, or if you disagree with the present General Terms and Conditions of Use, your only recourse is to cease using the Site.
Your visit to or general use of the Site signifies you have taken cognizance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and you fully accept said terms and conditions.
The present General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French laws.
For any question that relates to the present General Terms and Conditions of Use or a question or comment on the Site or its comment space, contact us via the contact form.
Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction
The present general terms and conditions are governed by the laws of France. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the Courts of Nanterre will have sole jurisdiction over any dispute, whether related or not to the present General Terms and Conditions of Use.
Laboratoires dermatologiques Avène
A limited liability company with capital of €38,250
Head office located at 45 Place Abel Gance, 92100 Boulogne, France
Tel: 33 (0)5 63 58 88 00
Commercial Registry of Nanterre SIREN No. 403 269 483
Intra-community VAT No. FR 17 403 269 483